perjantai 25. joulukuuta 2009

Yule Calendar Day 25 LOTTERY / Joulukalenteri 25. päivä ARVONTA

Merry Christmas to everyone! Today is Christmas Day and I had a tiny lottery here to see who is going to get my little bird calendar for the year 2010. Since there were only 5 people taking part to the lottery, I didn't have to write too many pieces of paper to put in a hat. And the winner is: PEGGYAPL! I'm going to send the calendar to you right after the holidays when our post office is open again.

Hyvää joulua kaikille! Tänään on joulupäivä, ja minulla oli täällä pieni arvonta lukijoiden kesken. Koska arvontaan siis osallistui vain 5 henkilöä, ei minun tarvinnut paljon rasittaa itseäni kirjoittaessani nimiä paperilapuille hattuun laitettavaksi. Ja voittaja on PEGGYAPL! Lähetän kalenterin hänelle heti joulupyhien jälkeen.

3 kommenttia:

  1. Susanna, Thank you for hosting such a wonderful giveaway. Your beautiful ATC (day 20) arrived yesterday. It is wonderful. You have lovely handwriting, as well. Thanks again, Cheryl

  2. Thank you Cheryl! That arrived fast then. :-) I'm glad you liked it!

  3. i am so excited to receive the calendar you made. what a lovely Christmas surprise for me! thank you very much for your generous giveaways!


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