maanantai 10. toukokuuta 2010

Free ATC backing with butterflies / Ilmainen ATC- tausta perhosten kera

It's been a while, hasn't it? Well, I've been busy with life lately. This happens sometimes. ;-) I've also been packing, so all of my ATCs are already in a box and the new ones I have been making today will probably be traded in summer. I have been making a series I'm calling "My Butterfly Collection". And since I happened to like what I was doing I also made an ATC back to share. I hope you like it! Just klick this image to open the printable size (200 dpi). This is not for sale then.

Onhan tässä jo hiukan aikaa vierähtänyt, eikös vaan? Joskus sattuu niinkin, että elämä haittaa harrastuksia. Olen myös pakkaillut viime aikoina, joten kaikki ATC-kortitkin ovat jo laatikoissa, ja tänään tekemäni vaihdan varmaankin kesän mittaan. Olen näperrellyt korttisarjaa perhoskokoelma-aiheesta. Ja koskapa se oli kivaa, tein samaan syssyyn myös ATC-taustan. Toivottavasti tykkäätte! Kuvaa klikkaamalla aukeaa tulostuskokoinen tiedosto (200 dpi). Tämä ei ole myytäväksi.

6 kommenttia:

  1. Your baCkings are a wonderful touch. So I can for personal use print these? I just wanted to double check as AT making is my bigeest passion at the moment.

  2. Thank you Clare, I'm glad you like them! :-) Yes, you can print them out as many times as you like and use them on your own ATCs that you trade with other ATC enthusiasts. The restrictions only apply to products that you intend to sell, as these are not to be sold in any form.

  3. hello, Susie, you really make such lovely digital collages. i am still enjoying the calendar i won from you!

  4. Thank you Peggy, it's so good to hear from you. :-) I know the calendar was a very modest one, but at least it's completely unique! ;-)

  5. Un gros gros merci pour ce beau montage. Je vais l'utiliser pour identifier mes ATC.
    Je suis Gespoir du forum Scrapbook Café

  6. Bonjour
    Je tiens à te remercier pour ce superbe montage.
    Je vais l'utiliser lors de mes échanges ATC.
    Je suis Gespoir du Forum Scrapbook Café.



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