torstai 12. elokuuta 2010

Thank you Shay!

Thanks to Shay for leaving a comment on my previous post! :-) I almost got worried that no-one would comment and I would never get to post more pics! Yes, I must be a very simple person for getting so exited waiting for comments! :-D Anyway, here's one piece for Shay and for the rest of you to use as well!

Just to make sure everyone knows what to do: Leave a comment and I will post an item belonging to the digikit below!

All images are for personal use and not to be sold or distributed by any way. I will also add a piece of the package image for you to see what kind of items there are included in this package. If you'd like to see a particular item uploaded, just ask for it!

You just need to left click on the image to open the printable size for downloading. This is a png image so the background is transparent.

And here's a SMALL preview image of the kit itself.

And finally to reply Shay; this kit is made with completely free software so I don't expect it to be as perfect as products made with professional software. ;-) Still, I wish they will bring joy to people and that they will inspire some great art! I'm really curious to see what people can make with these, so please do link back so that I can have a peak! :-)

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